Tips for Eating to Thrive at Work

So many people may it through their day on coffee, sugar and often capping it off with a glass of wine (or something similar). We are riding high on stress and crashing into a state of exhaustion. Our body like a car needs fuel. It doesn’t function on empty. I have put together a few helpful tips to take you from surviving to thriving!

1- Make Your Breakfast Count

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

I also know that many fee that they don’t have time to eat breakfast in the morning. Their mornings are busy enough getting out the door early, hustling their kids to get ready and maybe even fight some traffic.

A little planning goes a long way!

Breakfast is just another meal of the day. Here in North America we really love our breakfasts packed with simple carbohydrates and coffee. Sending us on a glucose roller coaster first thing then crashing right into a 3 pm snooze fest! When we eat a solid breakfast it will set us up for the rest of the day. Your blood sugar will be balanced, you won’t be constantly thinking about snacking or lunch and you’ll be able to concentrate better, your mood will be balanced and the work day will flow!

  • Pack a to go breakfast the night before that you can eat once you are at work.

  • A combination of protein, fat and fibre

    • Omelette with greens and avocado

    • Smoked Salmon, avocado, microgreens on toast.

  • Try to aim for 20g of protein.

    • Smoothies and Elixrs- you can pack a lot of nutrients into one small package.

2- Pack a Lunch

I love using up leftovers for easy lunch options for myself and my husband.

This way you are using up food that you already have on hand. There’s minimal thought that has to go into packing left overs- not to mention many foods taste better the next day!

Another great option if you can’t make your lunch is to have a couple ready-to-go soups or jarred salads in your fridge. There was a time I gathered with a group of moms and we would exchange jarred salads on Sunday. We would make 5 of the same and trade- we ended up with 5 different jarred salads for the week!

Eating a nutrient packed lunch helps us to stay on track professionally. A well balance lunch keeps blood sugar in check allowing you to keep up you energy and concentration. Also by packing a lunch, frees up some of your lunch hour to move your body and get some fresh air because it is there ready to eat!

3- If you must eat out

Look for restaurants around your office that have nutrient-dense lunch options. I know you’re not always going to be able to bring your lunch or life happens and you end up our of the office or you just didn’t feel like making one. The next best thing is to go out for lunch at a place you know has food that will serve your whole self well.

Depending on where you live of course, there is no shortage of great places to eat. I love places that make their food fresh on site and that you can customize your meals to the way you like. There are also services that will make your lunches for the week and drop them at your door; Urban Jars is one that has locations all over Canada. Just check the ingredients to ensure they jive with your goals.

4- Get up and Move

I know movement isn’t eating! When we get our bodies moving we get energized. When we have more energy tend to be more open to positive decisions when it comes to the food.  

My husband use to sit at his desk for the entire day. He would often even work through his lunch or eat sitting at his desk. With the encouragement of myself and his business coach he started his lunch off with a walk. This would get him away from his desk, clear his head and build up an appetite- he is opposite to me he can go ALL day and not be hungry. But his concentration and mood are affected.

If you are someone who eats at their desk in front of the computer. This is not optimal for digestion. We all deserve to leave your desk and take a breather for a bit at lunch. Movement is important to help with digestion but also with blood flow. A quick 10 min walk around the office or better yet outside gets the blood flowing. Moves oxygen around your body. Helps to clear the mind, gives you a sense of being refreshed. Keeps your mind and your body sharp!

5- Water and Sleep don’t get Enough Credit

Drinking water instead of juice, pop, or coffee will help you stay awake and energized all day. If you are like me and get bored or don’t like the taste of water, add some lemon, mint or cucumber.

We see a lot of women go from multiple coffees to wine. Having too many stimulants (caffeine, sugar & alcohol) during the day can contribute to increased cortisol which can make it harder for you to get to sleep at night and even harder to wake up in the morning. When we are tired, we tend to go for ease and comfort; sugary items for breakfast which will send you in a downward spiral throughout the day.

Drink more water throughout the day. Most of us do not drink enough to support our bodies regular functions. Let alone replenishing water loss from talking, stress and being around computers all day. Sip you wanter and herbal teas and limit your stimulants!

6- Keep snacks on Hand

It’s not unusual for our day to not go as planned. Maybe you had planned to grab lunch out or your day as gone a little longer. It is helpful to have snacks on hand to give you a little refuel when you need it. Now I’m not talking about the drawer full of candy or mini chocolate bars! I had a co-worker who had one of those and I loved visiting it mid afternoon! Instead have foods that will stabilize your blood sugar and carry you over from that late meeting until dinner. 

I love:

  • Raw nuts and seeds

  • Homemade granola bars

  • Energy balls

  • Hard-boiled eggs (if you have a fridge to store them in)

  • Avocado with sea salt

For more about snacking check out this blog post. When we keep these types of snacks at your desk and in the fridge, you’ll be satiated for longer and less likely to grab that 3pm cookie and coffee!


Let’s talk protein..

